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Please check thepage for a list of payment flows and currencies available for this integration form.
provides an API that can be used to integrate the payment platform into your application.
In order to integrate the banking payment flow it is required to enable a customer to do the following:
The customer should be able to pass a for larger transactions or second use of the system.
The customer should be able to obtain a virtual IBAN/BIC or Account Number/Sort Code linked to this customer ID.
The customer should be able to retrieve the bank account data to send funds to.
The customer should be able to create an invoice to lock the exchange prices.
Each of the steps is implemented within a separate API endpoint on the side.
The KYC is required only for larger transactions or second use of the system and is done by a third-party vendor. is operating as a relayer, doesn't store user data and just passes the user information forward. The API to use is described below. Note that a successful response to this request doesn't mean the KYC is passed. Usually, KYC takes seconds, but for some users, the manual KYC done by a vendor may take hours.
Invoice creation is an optional step, that should be done to ensure the best user experience - deposits with locked exchange rates. An invoice can be created using the .
In case a user does a deposit for an amount that differs from the amount in the invoice - will still account the funds properly and send the call back to the merchant.
It is required that the deposits to are done from a personal bank account that belongs to the person with the same name and surname as used for the the KYC. If a deposit is done from a corporate account or an account that belongs to a person with different name or surname - such a deposit will be bounced back by the banking partner.
An account should be created and assigned to a customer to send funds using banking payments. When done, all funds sent to this bank account are considered to be deposits in the system for the linked customer.
To create a customer bank account, initiate the KYC verification process by collecting necessary customer information and documents through the request body. It supports both one-sided and two-sided KYC documents, such as a passport (one-sided) or a driver's license (two-sided). The method validates the provided information, uploads the necessary documents, and finally initiates the KYC verification process.
First, create a bank account associated with the external customer ID.
Country parameter must follow the "ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2" code format.
Then upload all the necessary data to pass the KYC process.
Upload content as a JPG or PNG image, converted to a base64 string with no metadata. Ensure the file size is under 500 KB.
When the data is uploaded, initiate the KYC process.
If the uploaded data is not correct, the following two APIs can be used to correct the information - either the text items or the files of the documents.
It is possible to retrieve the data about the bank account using this API.
In order to check the status of the KYC process for a specific account use this API.
This is a set of API calls you can support to customize the channel payment flow to your needs.
In case of a successful response, the data
property contains the address that you can display to your customer. You can also use the qrCodeURL
property to display the address in an easy-to-use format. Once the customer deposits funds to this address, you will get a notification to your callback URL that will carry a payload similar to:
Once an address for a certain customer ID has been created, it gets saved in our database and each time you request it again, you will get the same address back. This means that the customer can safely store the address and continue depositing funds onto it, and you will be notified every time.
If for any reason you need to convert the transaction amount into another currency, for example - the base currency of the merchant, it is possible to use the exchange rate service.
Merchant balances for each specific account can also be retrieved using an API request.
If the status of the bank account in the response is PENDING, you should wait for a special Bank Account callback, which will be sent to your system once the bank account is activated. this page for more details.
In order to make a deposit, your customer will first need to get an address assigned to them. To generate an address for a customer, make a POST request to /wallet/address
specifying customer ID and currency (here's the we currently support).
You can then handle this information, e.g. top up the customer’s balance on your website with the given amount. See to learn about this in detail.