XGateway additional KYC is required for FIAT bank onramp customers on their 2nd transaction or a higher value 1st transaction. We require KYC if the 1st transaction is larger than 700 EUR.

XGateway cryptoprocessing and peer-to-peer customers do not need to pass additional KYC.

Two options are available for doing the KYC:

  1. XGateway can trust merchant KYC - in such case the merchant needs to send KYC data to XGateway through API, the docs are verified using our SumSub service. Two options are possible:

    • We could perform the KYC through the API documents upload service during the checkout process: i.e. the customer will be presented with a loading screen and in the background the merchant system will perform the KYC document upload and XGateway processes it through SumSub. Medium processing time is 0,7 min. In many cases, the processing takes only 10 sec, but in the case of manual review, the process can take 10 min or more. The pass rate of the KYC process based on our historical data is 96-97%.

    • We could patch-upload customer KYC data from merchant systems before the customer uses the service: for example, we can upload a patch of 10000 customers and check their data. Based on this the customer will be marked KYC verified before using the XGateway checkout page and no additional verification is required when a customer uses the service

  2. XGateway will enforce KYC using our SumSub widget on the checkout flow: in such a case, the customer needs to interact with the widget and provide the required KYC data manually.


When KYC processing fails then XGateway will send a webhook with the failed reason (like document quality is not sufficient): based on this, the merchant can make the decision:

  • block the customer

  • ask for additional KYC on the merchant side

  • trigger new KYC using the XGateway SumSub KYC widget

Data We Collect In The KYC Flow

The KYC process on the SumSub side is a matching game: i.e. the more data we provide the higher the likelihood of passing the KYC. On the other hand, customers might have already passed SumSub verification before, so in such cases, smaller KYC data sets can lead to a successful pass.

Required data for KYC
  • Date of Birth, YYYY-MM-DD

  • Source of Funds - Salary / Business Income / Pension / Other

  • Content - document picture, Requires valid base64 image. Image with size > 500KB may cause instability

  • Document type - Selfie / Passport / Drivers License / ID card

  • Country

Optional data for KYC
  • Address line 1

  • Address line 2

  • Post code

  • City

  • Address Country (ISO 3166-1 alfa-2 country code)

  • Document subtype - Front side / Back side

Pre-populate the form

The KYC flow supports the pre-population of fields in case your service already has the personal data of the customers. In order to pre-populate the form add the information into the URL parameters (query parameters) when working with an invoice. See the example below.

Query Params

Used to pre-fill customer data on the checkout page.

  • firstName

  • lastName

  • email

  • address1

  • address2

  • postCode

  • city

  • country: (ISO 3166-1 alfa-2 country code)

  • dateOfBirth: YYYY-MM-DD


Add all or some query params to a URL. Example of usage: 12 tn.2&address2=ap.3&postCode=12345&city=New York&country=US&dateOfBirth=1984-09-09&sourceOfFunds=SALARY

Last updated