Available products
XGateway offers the following products:
Cryptocurrency payments
Peer-2-Peer fiat payments with onramp to crypto
Banking onramp using personal accounts (virtual IBAN-s) with customer own name
Available integration forms
XGateway provides clients with its own Checkout page. This is the fastest and easiest way to integrate the payment gateway. The Checkout is built to perfectly function both as a stand-alone page or an i-framed widget.
As an alternative, XGateway provides API for direct integrations. This tool can be used when a merchant wants to build the user experience using their own UI.
Available payment flows
The main payment flow for the XGateway solution is using Invoices with fixed exchange rate. An invoice is a payment intent, created by a client. The system holds an invoice active and freezes corresponding exchange rates for 15 minutes. For more details, especially about the under and over payment cases, read this page.
The alternative payment flow, which is available only for Cryptocurrency payments, is Channels. With this approach a client is assigned a wallet address, but no exchange rate freezing is made.
As a part of Cryptocurrency payments product, the XGateway offers wallets with a permanent link to a client. This is true for both Channels and Invoices. Any deposit made to an assigned wallet is accounted to the balance of the linked client, no matter if an invoice exists or not.
The XGateway also tracks the wallets across supported networks. This means, that if initially a wallet was created for a payment on Ethereum, but later used for deposits on Polygon (example) - such deposits will be processed and accounted as intented.
Summary of integration approaches
For the time being, the direct Cryptocurrency payments are available via:
Checkout Page integration for Invoices
API integration for Channels
The Peer-2-Peer onramp is available via:
Checkout Page integration
The Banking onramp is available via:
Checkout Page integration
API integration
Last updated