Important Concepts
This page contains definitions of the concepts important for integration with XGateway.
Base Currency
Base Currency is the currency of a customer deposit or withdrawal. It is used to initiate the deposit invoice or withdrawal request. This is the currency a customer will typically see on the merchant cashier page.
Example: A customer wants to deposit 10 EUR of ETH. In this case the base currency is EUR.
Transaction Currency
A transaction currency is the native currency that is received by XGateway and available for settlement by the corresponding merchant. This is the currency used to make the transaction on the blockchain to move the value, ie ETH, BTC, any ERC-20 token etc.
Example: A customer wants to deposit 10 EUR of ETH. In this case the transaction currency is ETH.
NOTE: In the callback sent to a merchant the transaction currency is named 'currency'.
Reference Currency
The reference currency is the currency used for cross-account accounting for a corresponding merchant. The default value is USD.
This currency is used to display turnover and other statistics in the merchant backoffice. An amount of a transaction converted to the reference currency is also sent within a callback.
Example: A customer wants to deposit 10 EUR of ETH. The Xgateway will convert 10 EUR to USD and sent the resulting amount as a reference amount.
Display Currencies
This is an array of currencies used to manage the display of currencies on the Checkout page. When an array is provided, the function preserves and respects the specified list and order of the currencies shown to the customer.
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