Floating Rate invoices (deprecated)
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An invoice with 24-hour expiration time can be created. An exchange rate is "floating", which means that the exchange rate updates every 15 minutes. The customer can have only 1 floating invoice at a time, once the customer creates a new invoice all previous invoices will be cancelled.
To create a Floating Rate invoice in the payment processing system, you need to make a POST
request to the Invoice API v1 endpoint.
Remember to authorize the request with your x-api-key
Your API key
Invoice with short time to live. Exchange rate fixes in a moment of invoice activation. Customers can create an unlimited amount of invoices but can have only up to 10 activated invoices. To activate a new one wait till previous invoices expire.
Creates an invoice with floating exchange rate strategy. Returns a checkout link.
The invoice will be activated right away if the payment currency and provider ID parameters are passed.
The link to the final step will be returned if the payment system has been passed as a parameter. If the payment system is not found, the user will be redirected to the select payment method step.
Access to this endpoint requires a valid API key. The API key is sent in the x-api-key
header on requests.